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> 2025 Manitoba Honeybee Health Treatment Guide (pdf) 

Up-to-date information on issues affecting honeybees in Manitoba and how to best to prevent and treat them

> Become a member of Red River Apiarist Association 

Join a local bee club to meet other beekeepers and learn from speakers in a casual setting. The RRAA meets the second Tuesday of every month except for June-August and December.

> Beekeeping for the Hobbyist Course - University of Manitoba

The ideal way to learn about honeybees and beekeeping before diving into this exciting industry.

> Manitoba Provincial Beekeeper Registration Form (pdf) 

Registration with the province is required when owning beekeeping equipment or keeping honeybees. They run the provincial inspection program looking for any major diseases (ie. American Foul Brood) that could impact your bees or those of your neighbours.

The Bee Act of Manitoba

Outlines the process of registration of all beehives, the duties
and powers of inspectors, the process if disease is detected and the associated regulations. Registration with the province remains valid as long as the beekeeper complies with the rules and regulations outlined in the act.

> Canadian Honey Council 

National organization that provides a forum for producers, packers, professionals, provincial associations and government officials to talk and recommend action in the best interests of the Canadian honey bee industry

> Honey Bee Health Coalition 

Brings together beekeepers, growers, researchers, government agencies, agribusinesses, conservation groups, manufacturers, and consumer brands to work together toward collaborative solutions for honey bee health

> Manitoba Beekeepers' Association (MBA) 

Provides the voice for beekeepers working toward a sustainable and profitable honey bee industry through education, research and lobbying. The MBA also puts on the annual Manitoba Beekeeping Convention, bringing in speakers from around the world.

> Manitoba's Knowledge & Research Transfer Program (KRTP) 

Provides information on field days, workshops, and current honeybee research as well as a health monitoring program for Varroa, Nosema, AFB/EFB, and various viruses.

> University of Guelph Honey Bee Research Centre (YouTube) 

The HBRC conducts research focused on honey bee health. Since 1894, the Centre has provided apiculture education. Today, the tradition continues through university and public courses, and a series of "How-To"' beekeeping videos, which aim to aid beekeepers with a wide range of techniques from beginner to advanced skills.

> Sugar Syrup Mixing & Dilution Calculator (Excel)

> Farmers' Market Guidelines (pdf)

> Pesticide Toxicity Table (pdf)

Found a swarm of bees on your property? Contact RRAA's Swarm Patrol for removal -

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