Wooden Entrance Reducers
Entrance reducers are a must-have item for your hives! These wooden entrance reducers have two entrance sizes, making them versatile for the different beekeeping seasons.
The small entrance works by protecting your colony against predators and robbers in Spring or late Summer, especially when the hive is weak or just getting established. They are designed to narrow the entry point of the hive allowing the guard bees to more effectively control who enters the hive.
The larger entrance works well in cold climates, reducing drafts and snow from entering the hive during the Winter season while still allowing plenty of ventilation.
Two Entrance Reducer Options:
- Option 1 is 7/8" (22mm) thick and 14 3/4" (374mm) long.
Entrances are 2 1/4" (56mm) wide and 7/8" (22mm) wide.
It fits perfectly on any Dancing Bee bottom board, just in front of the brood chamber. Made in Canada 🍁 - Option 2 is 3/4" (19mm) thick and 14 3/4" (374mm) long.
Entrances are 4 3/4" (121mm) wide and 3/4" (21mm) wide.
It fits snugly between any Dancing Bee bottom board and the brood chamber.