Feedbee | 2 lb. bag
- Honeybee nutritional requirements
- The composition of natural pollen
- The nutrient contents of more than 255 feed ingredients
- Incorporating the advanced dietetic principles of animals and insects by which modern feeds are developed
- Doubling Brood Rearing
- Doubling Colony Population
- Doubling Honey Crop
Feedbee pollen substitute provides a Highly Digestible Protein with balanced Essential Amino Acids required for Honeybees and Bumblebees. Feedbee provides colonies with a high level of Vitamins and Minerals that are key to bees' resistance against common diseases (e.g. AFB, EFB) and common pests (e.g. Varroa Mites, Tracheal Mites).
The Feedbee protein diet is a Giant Step for the Science of Apiculture and the Beekeeping Industry in the world
For More information: www.feedbee.com